The world is predicted a "century of unrest", galloping inflation and depreciation of national currencies - this forecast was shared by Deutsche Bank. In the context of instability, interest in new financial instruments, including digital assets, is traditionally increasing. The latter promise not only to open up additional investment opportunities, but also to provide the market with new payment solutions and even expand the taxable base for state budgets. Of course, the last word remains with the national regulators, among which there is no single position yet - and if France is preparing to start testing the national cryptocurrency, then India is threatened with a complete ban on transactions with digital money. The potential of new digital tools, as well as barriers to their implementation, were discussed by participants in a fintech workshop organized by the Laboratoired'économied'Orléans (LEO). The Russian regulatory practice was especially discussed - the law "On digital financial assets ...", adopted last summer in Russia, limited the use of cryptocurrency as a means of payment, but left the opportunity for other transactions with it (comes into force from January 2021). A report on the new Russian crypto-regulatory framework was presented at the seminar by Artem Genkin, Doctor of Economics. Sci., Professor, President of ANO "Center for Protection of Investors and Investors", member of the RF CCI Council for Financial, Industrial and Investment Policy. Let's talk about the most interesting points of the discussion. Legal investment
Although the “age of turmoil” only promises to come, investors, including institutional ones, are already showing an interest in digital assets. In the last year alone, the share of institutional investors who have invested in cryptocurrency in the US has grown from 22% to 27% (data from Fidelity Investments). New legislation makes this possible in Russia as well.

As Artem Genkin explained in his speech, despite the ban on using cryptocurrencies as a means of payment, it is quite legal to invest in such assets.